The Whiterock Ultra is organized by Greg Gayman and Michael McGinn under the corporation Former Athlete, LLC. There are two events. A 50Km and 50 mile trail race. The race is run at Whiterock Conservancy and includes almost all of their expansive trail network of singletrack, doubletrack and pea gravel trails.
A few years ago Relentless Events, of the Iowa Gravel Classic, reached out to MIke about Whiterock Conservancy and how awesome it is! Mike thought it would be cool to have a “weekend” out at Whiterock that included a bike race one day and trail run the next day that truly showcased all Whiterock and its surrounding area had to offer.
In December 2018, Relentless Events put the wheels in motion, so to speak, when they reached out to Mike again and said “Okay. It’s happening. But we’re just doing the bike, you’re in charge of the run.” Mike knew he wasn’t competent enough to handle this on his own so he reached out to another experienced ultra runner in central Iowa, Greg Gayman, to see if he would be interested. He was! And we went from there.